Mission Terms of Conditions
Participation in the Mission Fastpitch program is voluntary and a player may request to remove herself from the team at anytime and Mission may remove a player from a team at anytime for any and all reasons. Players choosing to leave a Mission team must request a release in writing. Approval is required by Mission prior to the player joining another USSSA or USA Softball team.
While on a Mission team, Mission will endeavor to provide a safe and positive environment for each player - though it does not represent the actions of other players, parents or opponents and holds no liability for their actions.
Playing time is not guaranteed and will not be equal. It is the head coach who determines playing time based on effort in practice, teamwork and results in prior play.
Mission’s team fee will be payable on the 15th of each month. Failure to pay the team fee in a timely manner may result in dismissal from the club.
Jersey’s and equipment is not included in the team fee. Families will be required to pay additional for jersey shirts, pants, belts, socks, bag and helmet. Other apparel is optional. Travel costs are also not included in the team fee but should be expected - at least 2-4 travel tournaments over the year.