Each set do 3x through then a cardio burst - then move to next set of exercises.
Box jumps x10
Box step ups 10 each leg
Cardio burst (4x 15 sec sprints - 30 seconds rest)
Bicep curls 12 lbs (be sure to extend arms all the way back down)
Triceps extensions overhead (one 17.5 lb+ weight)
Cardio burst (4x 15 sec sprints - 30 seconds rest)
Overhead walking lunges hold 2 - 10 lbs weights or one heavier. (count each leg as 1-1, 2-2, etc.)
Weighted Squat holding 2 - 10 lbs+ weights (count 3,2,1 down and 3,2,1 up)
Cardio burst (4x 15 sec sprints - 30 seconds rest)
Push up x 10
Banded arm pull (Red or Blue band - blue harder) 10 double armed pulls - hold for 20 seconds at end
Cardio burst (4x 15 sec sprints - 30 seconds rest)
ABS 3x through
Hip Up to leg raise - 20 reps (Lying down - hold onto something behind your head, pop hip using your abs, not momentum, then lower legs to floor - careful not to pop your lower back from the floor)
Plank - 60 seconds (ad weight to back to increase difficulty)
Side Plank - 30 seconds each side (one elbow and forearm on floor, other arm extended to the ceiling) ‘Thread the Needle’ as on video to increase difficulty.
Oblique Heel/toe Touch - 20 each side. Lay on back with knees at a 45 degree angle. Touch fingertips to heel with movement coming from same side oblique