10 Minutes AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) in 10 minutes
10 Calories on the bike/row machine or 50 Jump Ropes
10 Wall Ball Tosses (Squat to toss Med Ball over head above wall)
10 Box Jumps
Lower Body - Repeat 3x
16 - Walking lunge with Med Ball over head (count 1-1, 2-2, etc.)
16 - Reverse lunge holding KB or weight (Single 12-14 KB or 2-10 lb weights)
16 - Staggered leg dead lift (At least 2 - 15+ lb weights)
Cardio Burst 150 Jump Ropes
Upper Body - Repeat 3x
20 - Incline Press (Slow and in control)
20- Cable lat pulls - after 20 hold for 20 seconds
20- Forward glider walks (can use towels if no gliders available)
Cardio Burst 150 Jump Ropes
BOOTY BUSTER - Repeat 2 x
25 Banded Fire Hydrants each side then pulse 25
25 Squat holding KB (stay in squat) and step back each leg
10 each side - Banded Tick Tok Abs (make sure you extend hands up over head and then tic-tok
1 minute plank
50 Mountain Climbers (count 1-1, 2-2, etc.)