COVID-19 & Health Policies


Policies are informed by the CDC and Mission’s priorities to provide training to as many Mission players as possible the Winter of 2022. That may mean someone staying home in order to allow 47 other players to continue their training.

If you have COVID, you may return to Mission activities when all of the following are true:

  • You have completed 6 full days of quarantine in addition to the date you began symptoms. For those without symptoms use the date you tested positive.

    • The day you experience symptoms is day 0. So if first experiencing symptoms on Saturday, then day 6 would be Friday, you return Saturday - day 7.

  • AND, You have been fever free for at least 24 hrs without medication.

  • AND, You have no symptoms other than cough or loss of taste or smell.

  • AND, Wear a mask upon return until day 9 from your symptom date.

If you have close contact with someone with COVID-19

We consider these scenarios close contact in Mission training:

  • Someone in your batting group (4 players)

  • In your Kam Training Group

  • Someone at pitching training at the same time

  • Someone at Catcher training

  • Anytime you are within 6 feet for 15 min or more

A) If you recovered from Covid in last 90 days or have been vaccinated AND have no symptoms:
 - continue to come to practice 

B) If you are not vaccinated or recovered and you and have no symptoms:

  • Stay home for 5 days

  • Return after 5 days if you have no symptoms and have not been in close contact

C) If you HAVE symptoms regardless of status:

  • Stay home.

  • Your option to get tested immediately so you know

  • Wait 5 days and get tested

  • See rules for returning if you have COVID

COVID in the Household

If you are staying in the same household as someone with COVID-19, we need a negative test after 5 days of quarantine for you your to return to Mission activities regardless of vaccination or recovery status.

Other sicknesses or reasons to stay home

If you have gotten tested for COVID because you think you may have it - STAY HOME until you get results.

If you are sick for any reason, don’t bring any sickness to practice.

Our goal is to get as many players training as much as possible all Winter long. If someone needs to stay home to give 11-47 other players the opportunity to practice, that is best for the club.

We will revise these as determined by the director. Outdoor policies will be different.